Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I was staying at a hotel. With a dog. I suspected the dog all along of trying to manage me. He gave me a bed in the center of the middle room, like an isolated island. With my glasses off, I observed strange movements taking place on another bed set against the wall, beneath a mirror. There were things crawling out from behind the mirror, from under the bed: tropical spiders, hairy, and swift if needed. Even on my bed, there were little furry balls, small as the breath of a bird. The dog would brush them off and tell me that these are dust bunnies. I think I slept in that bed, in that dream. When I woke up, I called the hotel service. Women in aprons came with buckets of antiseptic. Whenever a spider came out, they would grab it and inject it with poison. When they were gone, I felt relieved.

I started moving furniture around. That made me feel more "at home," and I thought it was ok for me to stay here for a while. As i was moving some shelves, a woman and a man came in, something to do with my finances, I think. I tried to maneuver a bookshelf around them when I noticed two insects fighting on top of a book. I had to bring my face quite close to them to realize that these were two scorpions.

[notes on the dream]:
The dog was a traitor. He was "managing" my myopia.
The hotel room was rich in colors, Indian decor: cushions, hand-painted wooden furniture, colored walls, floral rugs, green, red, sienna, chestnut, orange, thick colors. The insects had very distinct bodies. The furry things called "a bird's breath" made little squeaky noises as they scurried about. The scorpions were the color of dark sand. All insects were easily camouflaged in the patterned fabrics. The strange couple were stern and soberly dressed. The man in a suit. They carried on about my affairs without paying the slightest attention to my presence.

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